Home Events - INfancy Onward Take Care of YOU, Take ON Challenging Behaviors

Take Care of YOU, Take ON Challenging Behaviors

Working with children who use challenging behavior can be stressful for the adults who care for and about them. Children often act out because they are having difficulty working through an inner conflict. Ironically, their inner conflict can often mirror our own! How can we help children cope with their feelings when we struggle to work through stress in our adult lives? The good news is, what works for children often works for grown-ups, too! In this webinar, you will learn how the four steps of the successful child strategy called FLIP IT (Feelings, Limits, Inquiries, Prompts) can work for YOU! By exploring your own Feelings, Limits, Inquiries, and Prompts, you can build your own resilience and be better prepared to FLIP the script on challenging behavior with children.

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