Home Events - INfancy Onward Happiness in the “Baby Room”: Supporting the Well-Being of Infant-Toddler Care Professionals

Happiness in the “Baby Room”: Supporting the Well-Being of Infant-Toddler Care Professionals

In this compelling webinar, author and professor Mary McMullen, Ph.D., will offer insights about the importance of happiness and well-being in high quality infant-toddler care and education (ITCE) and how you may support this in your programs. You will learn key ideas from Mary’s two recent books, On Being and Well-being in Infant/Toddler Care and Education: Life Stories from Baby Rooms, and Infants and Toddlers at Play: Choosing the Right Stuff for Learning and Development.

Mary will share why happiness and well-being make a very real difference to the adults and children who spend their days in baby rooms, and why it should matter to all of us. You will learn an ‘action plan’ of concrete ways you can address this in your own settings including (1) supporting a play-based curriculum for the babies; and (2) supporting the senses of community belonging, safety and security, and professional identity in the ITCE professionals.

The event is finished.

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