Home Events - INfancy Onward Examining Impacts of Substance Use: Before Pregnancy and Beyond

Examining Impacts of Substance Use: Before Pregnancy and Beyond

This session will discuss the impact of substance use on brain development in the developing fetus and beyond birth. Presenters will cover the impact of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, their associated symptoms and the risk factors. The session will also explain the impact of trauma on the brain. Common developmental milestones and protective factors will be discussed. Audience members will leave the session with an increased knowledge of resources for families and caregivers and where to access them.


  • Understand why alcohol is dangerous to the developing fetus
  • Understand FASD and associated symptoms and risk factors
  • Understanding the effects of trauma on the brain
  • Learn where to access reources for families and caregivers
  • Recognize developmental milestones and protective factors

The event is finished.

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