First Steps for BABIES © Training
Presented By:
Gail Trujillo PhD (ABD), IMH-E (III)
Joy V. Browne, PhD, PCNS, IMH-E (IV)
Learn foundational elements of newborn and young infant development using the BABIES and PreSTEPS Model®
For Community Based Interprofessionals to Address Developmental Needs of Newborns and Young Infants with Medical Fragillty and Developmental Challenges and their Families
The FIRST Steps for BABIES © two-day foundational training provides both a framework for interdisciplinary early intervention, mental health and other health professionals to learn about the foundations of newborn and young infant development through the BABIES approach. Through the lens of regulation, relationships and reflection, the participant will:
- Describe foundational developmental skills of newborns and young infants
- Identify the impact of early experiences on sensitive periods for both babies and their M(other)
- Describe the BABIES and PreSTEPS model for supporting newborns and young infants.
- Integrate aspects of regulation, reflection and relationships into your practice
Registration Fee: $195 w/CEU’s; $125 w/out CEU’s
CEU’s provided: Counselors, Social Workers, Early Intervention Providers, Psychologists, Child Care Professionals.