Home Events - INfancy Onward Watching, Wondering and Making Meaning: Understanding and Attuning to the Messages Expressed Though Children’s Behavior

Watching, Wondering and Making Meaning: Understanding and Attuning to the Messages Expressed Though Children’s Behavior

Puzzling, predictable or challenging – young children’s behavior is always a communication. Deciphering what a child is expressing through their actions and emotions is essential to responding contingently. Attuned and informed interactions support children’s optimal development and when needed can address concerns. Appreciating that all behavior has meaning, and that the same behavior can have different causes, the session will provide participants with a framework for understanding multiple contributors to children’s behavior. Having developed an informed hypothesis, ideas for responsive action will be offered. Special attention will be paid to appreciating and addressing behaviors that signal social and emotional distress in young children. Recognizing that meaning making is subjective, the lens through which we view children and the contributors to adult’s perceptions will also be explored.

The cost is $50 for members and $65 for non-members

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